so the knitting is trudging along...lots of little projects that fly away quickly. lack of a decent camera is an issue too. all the professional looking photos i see are pretty intimidating. all i have is my camera phone--such a shame when there's a photographer in the house--but i won't get into that here. anyhoo, here are a few things i've been up to:

EZ 100th Anniversary Pi Shawl on Ravelryyarn: Malabrigo Laceweight, colorway #152 Tiger Lily; 2.25 skeins
needles: Addi Lace US 6

detail of edging
approximately 3 weeks commuting/waiting time. Very simple, quick mindless knit. and very enjoyable. for the Elizabeth Zimmerman (EZ) fans, the appeal was the stitch pattern count 8-9-10 --her birthday!! i that that was pretty clever on the designer's part and a nice tribute. it was also my first time knitting with Malabrigo, which was also very nice. very soft, almost like cashmere. hopefully i'll have a person model it soon.
this next shawl is
La Cumparsita also found on
Ravelry Written by Marnie MacLean, la cumparsita is a form of tango. i really enjoyed the motion of the stitches while knitting this so its definitely named well!

yarn: KnitPicks Palette in Merlot Heather, approx 3 skeins
needles: crystal palace bamboo US7

detail of edging.
i recently treated myself to a birthday present by purchasing
Sharon Miller's The Wedding Ring Shawl and
The Princess Shawl. i've been eyeing these patterns for quite some time and finally decided to get them, as now, more than ever, completing even one will have significant meaning in my life right now. the service was quick and efficient and the patterns came with samples of their gossamer yarns--enough to make a swatch. funny that i should buy these when i have yet to attempt the Neiblings that i have.
i'm also working my way thru Evelyn A. Clark's
Knitting Lace Triangles i think it's a really neat self study in understanding the fundamental elements of designing a triangular shawl.
so that's where i'm at.