okay, i admit it. i've been scrounging like a crack addict for roving. i. am. addicted. and that's alright. in this case, the first step in healing is to get some. and get some i did:

4oz of Merino/Cashmere/Nylon from Woolarina in colorway Butterscotch. since my picture taking skills are below sub par, here's another one:

I think the color is a bit richer and true in this one. plus, you can see Woolarina's tag.

4oz of Merino/Silk in Lavender. Also as scrumptious.
There's a lovely lady at one of my LYS named Dietrick--i've mentioned her before. Well Dietrick loves cashmere. As wonderful as she is, i believe she just might sell us all up the river if it involved getting some good quality cashmere. Well now, i understand her. i can't stop holding the Butterscotch roving. it's an 80/10/10 blend, and is absolutely divine to the touch. i pet it and say "i'm saving you for something special precious, i've bought a special spindle for you precious, i'm going to spin you well my precious" and i'm hoping it believes me. there are spindles making their way to me but only one will touch this roving from beginning to end.
yeah, i know this is weird, but the fiber lovers out there get it.
You scored some great roving.The colors are beautiful. I love the new blog look too.
Thanks! it is soooo soft and wonderful.
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